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As interest in platinum jewellery increased new skills and machinery were introduced to achieve the quality we expect of our Faller product. In September 1999 Noel, along with the Steensons of Glenarm, County Antrim purchased the first laser welders in Ireland. Giving the workshop the ability to seamlessly weld platinum and gold.
Four new goldsmiths (Irish and German) joined Faller between 2000 – 2006. In 2003 Una trained in CAD (computer-aided design) and designed new jewellery ranges which were produced in our workshop.
In 2005 the addition of a German Benzinger wedding ring lathe and a Swiss Posalux lathe give the workshop the ability to profile and pattern grooved lines on wedding rings using diamond tools.
In 2006 a deep laser marker was installed, again a first for a jewellery manufacturer in Ireland. This allowed us to personalise and pattern rings and other jewellery. The intricate collage on Drop of Derry jewellery wouldn’t be possible without it. View our video clips to see this process in action.