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Twenty-first Wedding Anniversary

21st Anniversary Gifts: Opal or Iolite

Every year of a successful marriage deserves to be recognised in style. The traditional theme for the twenty-first anniversary is brass and nickel. Brass is known to be durable and signifies natural goodness, reflecting all that is good within a marriage. Nickel is a symbol for emotional wellbeing within married life. The gems associated with this anniversary are Opal and Iolite.

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Bedouins thought that opal fell from the sky during thunderstorms and Romans believed opal symbolized love and hope. Opal is loved for its enchanting kaleidoscopic effect, displaying different colours which change with movement. If you give an opal pendant to celebrate a twelfth wedding anniversary now is the perfect time to add a matching opal ring. View our Opal Guide to learn more about this multicoloured gemstone.

Opal Guide View Our Opal Jewellery

iolite gem


Ancient Viking navigators used thin slices of iolite as filters to help locate the sun on cloudy days. Iolite seems appropriate to celebrate twenty-one years of marriage with all its ups and downs. Iolite is an affordable inky blue gem sometimes used to substitute tanzanite. It is pleochroic, which means it can display a blue to violet hue in one direction and pale yellow to colourless in another.